Hi there,
a customer of us wants to have configurable articles. He also has variants of his articles which are machines. So each variant of a series can have configurations which are only decided on while producing the product.
Now, I was wondering what happens if I use such a configuration article for MRP, e.g. since I want to have a safety stock of 10 machines. Will the MRP only consider the BOM part oder will it suggest to buy/ build the whole configuration possibilities?
Or before clicking on order in the MRP screen, do I need to configure the article and then one type of configured article will be planned with 10 pieces?
The question then is, how will acumatica know that I have this concrete instance 10 times in my stock and not the other possible variations? (machines with other configurations)
I assume that it is not foreseen that acumatica works with configurations in stock?
Thank you very much in advance.
Best Wishes