I’m working on a PO approval map. There are many approvers with various approval limits. I need to require two approvers for PO’s over 50K. I understand that a specific number of approvers can’t be specified for a single step, it’s either 1 or ALL.
So, I’ve created a 2nd step for PO’s over 50K. Needs to have the same group of approvers though. This presents a problem, because having the same approvers in both steps basically causes it to skip the second step. I thought I could solve this by using “Approver ID does not equal ___” in the rule conditions. But it doesn’t work. Wondering if I’m using it wrong, or if not, what is the point of the Approval entity in approval maps?
Here is a dumbed down version I tested without success. Step 1: Two rules, CEO and CFO, both with specific employee specified. No conditions. Complete step on approval. Step 2: Same as above except each rule has a condition to require employee’s approval if they did not approve in step 1 (goal anyway). Screenshot below showing condition (value only shows ContactID unfortunately).
Doesn’t work. Removing hold on PO assigns both CEO and CFO (step 1), but if CFO approves, no additional approval is required.
Would appreciate advice!