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Translation Dictoionaries Issue


I have to convert my translation of acumatica from English to Spanish(Mexico).

I have a translation string file which has (1500 approx.) strings.

Then I have import the excel sheet in the acumatica through translation dictionaries string.

It get imported and converted.( after this I have save and log out from the acumatica)

I have select the language Spanish at login page and again login in the acumatica.

When I checked if all strings are converted or not, some of the strings where not converted which was mentioned in the excel sheet. 

When I try to convert this string in another language the same strings got converted in that language.


Is this is problem regarding steps which was performed for translation stings (miss some steps)  or the format of excel sheet is not proper or if we import the large string files acumatica skips some of the strings or any other problem is there.

I have checked in my code which has proper attributes , also Dac fields where properly given.

As in Spanish some strings are not converted but when I have imported the same not converted string in Germany and  French it got converted same as for wise versa.


Please help me how I can convert all the strings.

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