Hi Forum,
I recently created a Generic Inquiry and then Created an Entity on the Web Services panel extending the default endpoint. I followed the steps on this link: https://www.acumatica.com/blog/contract-based-apis-in-generic-inquiries/.
The Guide works perfect, I could create the entity, I could retrieve the data using a Put method on Postman and everything seems fine, But, Now if I tried to filter the data using the information from one of the fields in the Results (The ProjectID). I can not filter the information. I tried to use the next query but it gives me the error shows in the image below:
Query working:

Query not working:

My intention is not to just get the information in the Generic Inquiry, I can do that very easy with the Generic Inquiry directly, my end goal is to be able to update data on the Generic Inquiry. I want to update one field from the table I’m using in the Generic Inquiry.
Please your help to know if I’m doing something wrong on my Query on Postman that I need to change.