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Weekly, Thursday payroll has 53 pay periods in 2025.
Thursday 1/1/2026 will be paid on Wed 12/31/2025 due to calendar exceptions/holidays.
This results in an extra pay period in 2025.

Employees with “Annual” unit of pay compensation receive a smaller check each pay period due to 53 periods. A simple example - $52,000 annual salary normally results in $1,000 gross per period. With the 53rd period, $52,000 annual salary results in $981.13 gross per period.

Is this expected behavior?  I thought Acumatica would use the Employees Working Weeks per Year for this calculation, not the number of pay periods.  I guess both methods are reasonable.

I found the following work-arounds for salary employees:

  • Change salary rates and employee type to Hourly - defeats the purpose of Salary type
  • Enter a manual salary rate every pay period - also defeats the purpose of Salary type

Are these the only/best options?
Perhaps I’m missing something.

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