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Adding Payroll Adjustments after batch is released but prior to the payment being released

If a Payroll batch is Released:

-It creates a Paycheck record which is linked to the Employee

-Entries are no longer allowed to be added to the Payroll Batch directly

-The Paychecks and Adjustments (PR302000) form does allow you to enter new lines for the Paycheck

-Those new lines are also added to the Payroll Batch if you go back to that form

Is there a REST API call to add lines to a Paycheck or can they be added to a Released batch with REST?

I am getting a 200 OK result sending this REST PUT request, but it is not adding to the Batch.




 "EarningDetails": "



                "note": null,

                "Account": {

                    "value": "69500"


                "AllowCopy": {

                    "value": true


                "Amount": {

                    "value": 700.000000


                "Branch": {

                    "value": "SEATTLEIT"


                "Code": {

                    "value": "RG"


                "Date": {

                    "value": "2021-03-11T00:00:00+00:00"


                "Description": {

                    "value": "Regular Hours"


                "Employee": {

                    "value": "EP00001001"


                "EmployeeName": {

                    "value": "Douglas Mcintyre"


                "Hours": {

                    "value": 7.000000


                "LaborItem": {},


                "Location": {

                    "value": "C0001001"


                "ManualRate": {

                    "value": true


                "PlacementID": {

                    "value": "1"


                "PMTID": {

                    "value": "1"


                "Rate": {

                    "value": 100.000000


                "Subaccount": {

                    "value": "ITCW2"


                "TimeActivity": {},

                "UnionLocal": {},

                "Units": {},

                "UnitType": {

                    "value": "Hour"


                "WCCCode": {

                    "value": "8810"




Hi @bhitterdal75 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

@Chris Hackett I didn’t get a reply and am looking at this again if there is any additional assistance.
