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Hi everyone,

We would like to Conditionally Disable/enable the ‘Set Qty’, ‘Complete PO Lines’ buttons in the ‘Receive and Put Away’ screen based on the grid data rows. 

Could anyone help here on how to achieve this if you have any idea on this

We are able to identify the condition upon scanning an item/Inventory ID, and looking for identifying the buttons (as these are not regular actions and are defined as commands).

Thanks for your support in advance.


Best Regards,

Vidyakeerthi K

You could do that by creating a Condition for Screen then adding that condition on disabled property for the action

Follow W140 section Example 3.4.1: Conditionally Disable the Accept Action for instructions

W140 Customization Projects 2023 R1 (

Hi Rohit,

Thank you for your quick response and inputs.

The conditions I mentioned could be decided by writing the queries with multiple tables, as it's not from a direct table of that screen. So, might not go with the conditions in the package. Please confirm.




Depending upon tables/DACs, you could create a custom unbound field(with relations and joins) and use it for Condition on disable property

