Hello, I have created a Push Notification Webhook, to update external application when a Production Order is released. I had this working at one point, but now its not. I am using webhookinbox right now to test the webhook transmission. I am not getting anything to the inbox, so I looked inside the Acumatica system monitor, and I see the Push Notification was attempted, and the notification is as expected, but I keep getting a ‘webhook returns not success code: internal server error’. Not too sure where to go from here seems everything is working properly but it isn’t receiving a response from the server. Any suggestions/directions would be greatly appreciated, Thank you in advanced!
Exception =
System.InvalidOperationException: Send to target Mechanilink (New Prod Order) failed. Message: WebHook returns not success code: InternalServerError; Message: Internal Server Error
at PX.PushNotifications.NotificationSenders.HttpClientPushNotificationSender.Send(NotificationResultWrapper results, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at PX.PushNotifications.UI.FailedToSendPushNotificationsProcess.SendPushNotifications(List`1 notifications)