how to get account name and account balance in Acoounts through rest Api
how to get account name and account balance in Acoounts
Best answer by Boravan Ung
You can get the Account’s information though a PUT request to the AccountSummaryInquiry Endpoint, and by specifying the params in the body.
Here is an example :
PUT request
URL : (mywebsite)/entity/Default/20.200.001/AccountSummaryInquiry?$expand=Results
Request Body :
"AccountClass": {
"value": "AP"
"Branch": {
"value": "YOGIFON"
"Ledger": {
"value": "ACTUALYOGI"
"Period": {
"value": "08-2022"
"Subaccount": {
"value": "TES-T1-23"
In the Result Body, you will get the data that you requested, such as the Account’s name and balance.
Here is a link with more information regarding retrieving data from an inquiry form :
Hope it helped clarify the matter a bit.
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