I am using Acumatica 24R1 and using 'default' endpoint version '23.200.001' entity 'Customer' using Bearer token authentication using jQuery ajax method, getting error 'request has been blocked by CORS policy', Same I have tried with postman and MVC C# application it is working
with the following payload
grant_type:passwrd scope:api username:xx Password:XX Client_ID:xxxxxxx client_secret:xxxxx
- URL:{{AcumaticaInstance}}/identity/connect/token Type:POST
get the Bearer token in response and pass the token in below GET request to get the data
- URL:{{AcumaticaInstance}}/entity/default/23.200.001/Customer Type:GET
When I tried this process with postman or MVC application using C#, above both API calling is working
When I tried this process whiling using jQuery ajax method getting error 'request been blocked by CORS policy'