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Is there any way to view all the transactions affecting the WIP account for a particular production order?


Having a GI that shows this, would help mitigate the problem in this idea. This is very similar to the issue I’m dealing with:

Negative quantity cost adjustments should also update the last manufacturing cost layer | Community (

Hi @Freeman Helmuth  were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

@Freeman Helmuth does the Work in Process report work for you? it’s available under reports and you can specify the production order and the corresponding WIP account 

@iqraharrison48  No it doesn’t. I need a report that shows the actual materials in the WIP account. This is important when we perform period inventory counts to verify that the materials in WIP are correct. I was able to create a generic inquiry that kind of does this but it’s very slow and clunky.


It’s not our highest priority right now so I’m not putting a lot of effort into it, but if an Acumatica team member would at least point me in the right direction for which tables to join this would be helpful.

@estebanperalta54 is this something you might be able @Freeman Helmuth with?

I was curious if you were able to resolve this. 

Any news on this? I can get every transaction posted against the Production, but I can’t get who is “active”. 

Example output:


Tran Type Item ID Qty OP Code
Issue COMPONENT 1 1,000.00 OP Code: 0010
Issue COMPONENT 2 1,000.00 OP Code: 0010
Backflush Labor Finished Good 0.00 OP Code: 0060
Variable Overhead Finished Good 0.00 OP Code: 0060
Operation MFG to Inventory Finished Good 1,000.00 OP Code: 0060
Operation MFG to Inventory Finished Good 1,000.00

OP Code: 0010


As a Human, I know that only the FINISHED GOOD 1,000 unit cost is in WIP from the 0060 OP CODE, how do you know which transactions are still in WIP and who are just historical?

In case anyone wants the full list of Transactions agianst a Production Order (great for audits), you want the AMMTran table.


Thanks @di93 for the help.


If you ALWAYS fulfill the entire Production Order, no partials or jumping between OP codes, then you can use this code in the PRODUCTION ORDER group:


This will give you the largest OP CODE used in the Transactions for the Production Order. I set this to a variable called “$OP” who resets on the group for the Production Order.

Now under the details segment, where my transactions appear, I set the visibility flag to:


So if the transaction has an OP code that matches the highest OPCode for this transaction set, then I want it displayed. Easy Wins.

I will have to look, but I think I have built one of these for a customer in the past. Essentially they wanted to look at production efficiency.  
