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Production Order Completed W Out Move

  • 28 December 2023
  • 9 replies

We had a production order completed without doing the final move. So the Order is in completed status. We would like to move this into inventory. What is a good way of accomplishing this? 

HI @cmoreland 

Is there only one operation on the Production Order?

There are multiple operations. All are “completed,” and the production order is in a completed state.  Typically, we do our final move on the FC operation at the end.


@cmoreland - the only way the status would be “complete” is if you moved what was required on the Production Order into inventory. Are you producing more? 

Hey @Debbie Baldwin I hope all is well. The end user moved the order to completed (not closed) using the menu/action “Complete Order.” 

There were no moves applied, only labor and materials 


Probably best to send this through support - I performed a test where I completed a production order and was able to create a labor transaction against that production order, but the status of the production order did not get changed back to In Process.

Probably best to send this through support - I performed a test where I completed a production order and was able to create a labor transaction against that production order, but the status of the production order did not get changed back to In Process.

Thanks so much, Angie. I like you had the same results in our sandbox as well.

@cmoreland if you find a solution it would be great to share, I would image others could run into the same issue.  For now could you create an inventory adjustment, if support is able to help then you could reverse the adjustment. 

With this setting:

Couldn’t you just complete the order? The status won’t ever change, but you should be able to finish the order. 

@cmoreland if you find a solution it would be great to share, I would image others could run into the same issue.  For now could you create an inventory adjustment, if support is able to help then you could reverse the adjustment. 

My solution worked.
