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Product Configurator allows production orders with on hold/expired BOM's?

  • 1 December 2023
  • 3 replies

We utilize the product configurator capability and learned today that we have been creating production orders within a sales order with expired BOM’s.  The Bom revision changed to Rev B and Rev A was set to On Hold and with an expired date.  The customer service team entered the make to order sales order and created the production order within the sales order as normal.  Production orders were created with the obsolete BOM revision.  Obviously we need to update the configurator now to the current active rev.  I’m surprised the configurator wouldn’t error out in creating production orders with expired and on hold BOM’s.  

@gmast I would recommend contacting support.

Hi @gmast were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

@Chris Hackett we were not able to find a solution other than making sure that we put BOM’s on hold with expiration dates in ARCHIVE status.  Once we found the error, we updated the Configuration and have not found any additional errors but the functionality should not allow it ideally.  
