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Is there away to update the BOM material items expiration date?   We just are testing some BOMs in our pilot configurations. and realized that some items have expired?  As far as I can tell you would need to make a new revision? 


Does the expiration date effect using the BOM in Production.

I am new to Manufacturing.  I figured you should be able to update the existing.


Thank you in advance for your assistance

@Evan G  - You an only update the BOM when it is on hold. Once you place the BOM on hold - you should be able to make those edits. 

Thank you.  It was nowhere noted in the documentation.  Or at least I could not find.

I appreciate your assistance.



If you use an import scenario the BOM does not have to be on hold.  You have to reference the operation number and search for the inventory item.  Make use to uncheck active flag for the inserts (e.g. <line> -1).  In the example below for 2020R2 I was setting the phantom flag for some assemblies.  The list of subassemblies was create with a GI, downloaded to Excel and used to create a Data Provider.


@dennisgodsill36 , This was extremely helpful. 
Glad we have the Community to assist & reference!
