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Automatically link production order to sales order when creating production order via MRP Display screen

  • 25 October 2022
  • 4 replies


Is there a way to have the production order you create via the MRP display screen automatically linked to the sales order creating the demand?

Or is it required that you manually create the linkage?



4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

MRP supports the ability to group like demand into the same production order.

If you need 1-to-1 linking, you need to generate the production order from the sales order.  Or associate the production order back to the sales order after it is created.

Userlevel 6
Badge +6


Thanks for verifying!

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Hi @angierowley75 - You say here that “MRP supports the ability to group like demand into the same production order.” - Are you able to elaborate a little more on this? 


I’m new to MRP and struggling a bit where we have a series of Sales Orders for smaller quantities and then a single Planned Production Orders to satisfy that sum of that demand, but it seems that MRP is doubling up that demand on the components and subassemblies.  

I believe it may be doing this because the dates for the Production Orders follow after the Sales Orders (supplying after the demand, which I recognize MRP does not like).

Is there any tricks or other settings that might help in getting MRP to group that demand into the planned production orders? 


Userlevel 1

MRP supports the ability to group like demand into the same production order.

If you need 1-to-1 linking, you need to generate the production order from the sales order.  Or associate the production order back to the sales order after it is created.


Many of our clients bring up this and believe it is a flaw. Is there any plans to have production orders that are created from the MRP screen, which are Marked for Production on a sales order, that the link be created and displayed in the SO Line and Production Order Maintenance Reference tab? Perhaps this could be a setting they select in MRP preferences.
