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Acumatica Manufacturing and Arena PLM

  • 28 November 2023
  • 1 reply

Looking for fellow users of Manufacturing and Arena so we can leverage experiences and draw from one another’s growing pains and gains.


Is anyone up for connecting to see where we may be able to leverage common work and shorten the curve as some say. 

Two asks:

  1.  Any tips or tricks to get Vendor Details to successfully import to Acumatica. I am stuck with an error that is blocking progress. I’m currently waiting on a help ticket.
  2. Outside processes. In other manufacturing instances I have created a non-stock item and included it on the materials list for the outside process operation to facilitate the purchase order and billing of the outside process. Due to the limitation of not being able to add materials to BOMs in Acumatica, I am looking for a work around short of creating a non-stock item in Arena, adding it to required BOMs and then importing BOMs again? If the import is limited to BOMs with outside processes then this whole thing is easier to manage, as someone would have to ensure that the outside process operation is on the BOM, the material is associated with the correct operation. side thought: Curious how single non-stock item could be used on all outside processes with different vendors. Is there any flexibility to adjust vendors, have a preferred vendor rather than a required vendor for an item?]

Two shares: 

  1. Multi-level BOMs in Arena did import into Acumatica. (when stock items with BOMs of their own populate as materials (subassemblies) corresponding BOM IDs do not automatically populate.) With a bit of work and not too much effort this was resolved and multi-level BOMs are good to go.
  2. Phantom materials. Until Arena has a way to identify material type for Acumatica then everything will continue to come into Acumatica as Material Type ‘Regular.’ This is not the end of the world. As long as the material is present on the EBOM, they Material Type can be adjusted and updated to Phantom on the BOM and the Phantom operation can be placed before, during, or never.

@Melissalutrick21 - I do have a couple of other VARs with customers. Send me an email if you would like contact information. If you have specific feedback about the Arena connector, product management would also love to hear so please reach out to me. 
