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Hi, In this topic 

I was provided by help in question concerning work with Automation Schedules.

The Instruction was the following :

Please make the below change on the scheduler screen to run the scheduler every 5 min.

I followed this instruction and everything worked perfect.

After that I deleted schedules and tried to perform it once again and it does not work. Schedule must execute code which creates files in directory. Yesterday files were created, and now they only appear in case if I press button Process data

The result I am trying to achieve is make my code executed every minute, yesterday it worked but now I can not repeat it 

Here is my configuration. Is there something that I missed ? 


Hi @Ivan 

Can you check your scheduler status. I can check this on the Automation scheduler Status screen. If you are facing any error, try to click the process Data button and manually  Check once


Hi @Ivan 

Can you check your scheduler status. I can check this on the Automation scheduler Status screen. If you are facing any error, try to click the process Data button and manually  Check once


Hi @jinin 

Thanks I checked status

The screen that I need to work with is TS 50 10 10

According to status “Successfully completed” it seems that everything ok, it’s just finished.

But it strange, because I did not set any limitation and expiration date for it, maybe I just need to try to create a new schedule with different description. 

Is there something that I could missed in configuration according to my screenshots ?
