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I need help to hide report buttons so that no one can see it. I am using a clean instance of acumatica for test purposes. 

Reports- AR Edit

I wish to hide the AR Edit button so that the users and administrators will not see the button anymore. I know the basic of how to hide buttons using access rights, where on the invoice and memo screen(AR301000), i was able to hide the default buttons where it will not be seen by anymore on the actions menu. For some reason i cant hide any buttons under reports. Can someone please help me. My version is the following

Copyright ©️ 2005-2024 Acumatica, Inc. All rights reserved.
Acumatica Cloud ERP 2024 R1
Build 24.107.0004 +

Hi @joshuak83 ,


Are you revoking the permissions on the actual report in Receivables? 


Hi @bigred1022 ,

I have revoked it here like you asked,

as well as here:

Its normally not difficult to do, maybe there is something else, or if you can test it on your side which will be very helpful. Can also be one of acumatica errors. Let me know if you see any mistakes.

I did that exact thing (Sales Orders - Invoices - AR Invoice/Memo - AR Edit) on my system and it removed it.  Not sure why it’s not doing it for you, sorry.  Any other roles set to View Only by chance?  I am testing this as a standard user and not an Administrator.  MIGHT be the reason?



What permissions did you give the Admin role on the AR Invoice/Memo level?  Reason I ask is I just tested this for the Admin User and it went away as intended.  Here is how I have it set:  



  Then Revoke on the AR Edit entry:


@bigred1022 , i have did the same as you. Also had the basic role permissions for my admin where i removed all roles and only gave the administrator role. Can you maybe check what version of acumatica you are using?

What permissions did you give the Admin role on the AR Invoice/Memo level?  Reason I ask is I just tested this for the Admin User and it went away as intended.  Here is how I have it set:  



  Then Revoke on the AR Edit entry:


@bigred1022 , i see you have delete on the AR Invoice/Memo

Where mine is showing as inherited,

I will try changing it to delete like you did.

@joshuak83 Yep, that’s the difference.  We are still on 2023 R2.

@joshuak83 Yep, that’s the difference.  We are still on 2023 R2.

@bigred1022 , can you please check what your Sales Orders - Invoices rights is. I assume it is on delete. When i change my right from inherited to delete on the AR Invoice/Memo, it worked perfectly fine, where my button is also gone now. Thank you for your help!

@joshuak83 correct, I have it set to delete and not inherit.  



Hi @bigred1022 ,

What i did in the beginning with our company’s live server is where i have revoked a button on the purchase order screen. Then when i came to the sale order invoice screen, i have followed the same steps but could not hide any buttons. With your help i have realized that in previous acumatica versions it was not possible to change the rights for buttons or screens if your parent right was not configured like if you change the child fields right but not the parent. In my case and with the version i am using acumatica removed this feature where your parent is set and then your child’s are set as inherited. This i understood completely. The problem now was the following:

Access right by screen:

  • Purchase orders
    • To remove a button i have set the following:
      • purchase - purchase orders - purchase orders - “your button”
      • granted   -  delete                 - inherited             - revoked
      • This still worked @acumatica 
  • Sale Orders
    • To remove a button:
      • sale orders - invoices - AR Invoice/Memo - “your button”
      • granted       -  delete   - inherited               - revoked
      • This did not work, you could see the button but it was not removed, only worked when i change the inherited which is in red to delete.

What i am trying to show is that some screens work where you don't have to change one of the child rights like the inherited right which in green. The sale order screen did not work where you need to change the inherited in red to delete. This then reminded me of the previous versions of acumatica  which gave an error if you did not set the rights for the parent fields. My understanding is that some screen works without changing the third child right and where the sale order invoice screen works like in the old days where all child and parent rights should be set to a certain right.
