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I'm encountering an issue with the IMPORT SCENARIO feature in Acumatica where a hardcoded value (e.g., =CBool('false')) works correctly, but a formula (e.g., IIf( PMProject.IsCompleted = true, CBool('false'), CBool('true'))) fails to insert the record into the target object.


  • The import scenario is based on a generic inquiry resultset.
  • The GI is based on a join between two objects (INLocation and PMProject).
  • The target object is the warehouse summary and I am inserting records to the Locations → Location Table.


IIf( PMProject.IsCompleted = true, CBool('false'), CBool('true'))


Has anyone else encountered this issue? If so, what was the solution? Are there any specific considerations or limitations when using formulas in IMPORT SCENARIO?

Acumatica formulas should recognize True and False without converting them (and without quotes). If this doesn’t work (IIf(PMProject.IsCompleted=True,False,True)), have you tried adding a column like this to the GI itself? Not certain it would work. Just curious.

One issue I’ve had in the past, was trying to set a value to ‘empty’ in a certain situation, in which case I had to use Null. I think I’ve encountered this as well. There are some gotchas. I would be interested to hear other answers.

PS: just making sure that a completed Project should be returning ‘false’; that’s what the above formula would do

So, one of my colleagues added the formula in the generic inquiry instead of the import scenario and now the import scenario is able to read this formula and process it correctly.
