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Import Scenario - Copy BOM

Hello everyone, 

Looking to mass copy BOM to make new BOMs that have a different Warehouse.  Here is what I have so far:

When I run the secnario, I get an error message that says the following:

View name:Documents

What does that error refer to?  What am I missing?  I know the first half of my Import works, becuase I used it to Archive BOMs, which worked as expected.  There is something I am doing wrong on the Action Copy.


Any help would be great.  Otherwise, I’ve got 733 BOMs to update!!!! :(

@claudematherne24 when you run the scenario and get that error, can you share the trace log?

what is the best way to share the trace log?  Do I just press submit log and it gives me something to share?


@claudematherne24 a screenshot should be fine! 

This is the list from the Exception:


@iqraharrison have you had a chance to look at this?

@claudematherne24 sorry I think I missed the notification. The trace didn’t give much, can you attach the import scenario here? I can try it on my end! 


Here you go.


@darylbowman anything you are familiar with?


@claudematherne24 I tried to poke around but wasn’t able to figure anything out :(

Don’t know if this is it, but the <DialogAnswer> needs to go before the <Action> and probably all the dialog settings before that. The dialog needs to be fully ready when the action is called that will open it.

@darylbowman that looks like it worked!!!!!  Thanks for the help

@iqraharrison Thanks for looking at it


Side question:  Where is a good reference/training, if any, that helps explains the engine workflow?

@claudematherne24 do you have access to acumatica university?  you could start with I100 - Integration Scenarios (i think it falls under the technical specialist learning path).  I am not sure if partner access and customer access looks the same.  there’s also a W150 Workflows course but definitely take a look there to see what you can find!


@iqraharrison  In my brain, I think I have completed that one, but maybe I checked I100 off of my list on accident, and didn’t actually finish it.

I’ll add it back to my list lol.
