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How to add a time field?

Hello all,

I have been trying to add a time field in acumatica. I know how to add a single field on detail level:

We have the option to add a date field but how shall I add only a time field?
Thanks in advance.

Hi @Harshita  We should the DATETIME field only.  Below is the link for your reference and it will help.

Hi @Harshita  We should the DATETIME field only.  Below is the link for your reference and it will help.

where & how shall I these 2 in the customization project editor?

@Harshita Add DateTime field from the Project Editor and modify the DAC fields as shown in the above mentioned in the link.

@Harshita Add DateTime field from the Project Editor and modify the DAC fields as shown in the above mentioned in the link.

hey @Naveen Boga ,
I followed like this.


Hey  @Harshita  Seems usrTime field is duplicated in the POLineExt DAC. Can you please remove the duplicate and check once.


Hey  @Harshita  Seems usrTime field is duplicated in the POLineExt DAC. Can you please remove the duplicate and check once.


Hey @Naveen Boga , so I created a new field now as FieldName: UsrATime & Display Name : ATime DataType: datetime.

And copied the code from the above link & replaced usrTime & UsrTime to usrATime & UsrATime. Am I doing it correct?

#region UsrATime
public abstract class usrATime : IBqlField
{ }

>PXDBTime(DisplayMask = "t", InputMask = "t")]
]PXUIField(DisplayName = "Time Only Value")]
public DateTime? UsrATime { get; set; }

Can you please share the customization package here?

Hey @Naveen Boga , attached here is the pkg.

hey @Naveen Boga , I tried to modify as below:


@Harshita  can you please publish the below package and add the field in the .aspx page?


Hey @Naveen Boga , thanks for helping out. I now tried to publish the customization. The field is working fine. I also added a checkbox field : eg Expedited. DataType - Bool. But it didnt result out to be checkbox on UI.


@Harshita  Please provide the Type = Checkbox in the .aspx page.



@Harshita  can you please publish the below package and add the field in the .aspx page?


Hi @Naveen Boga, What did you do to resolve this? I am also running into the same error CS0102 when replicating the example. 


@temberson  What is the issue that you are facing, can you please elaborate.

@Naveen Boga Thank you for the response, this was resolved. 

Great! Thanks for sharing the update.
