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First, I followed the instructions in the this link to create a Business Event, triggered by schedule, to close a Case if the Last Activity Date is greater than 30 days from current date (@Today).
Business Events in Acumatica
However, the scheduler is NOT kicking off the event at all.  It never seems to execute. Attached are the exported files I created.  Does someone have any idea what I am doing wrong that this is not working?


Your uploads are missing the Import Scenario schema

I deleted and completely redid the entire exercise from scratch.  And it still is not executing.  I am including here all of the files, including the Data Provider I created (which has the schema filled in), along with the Import Scenario for this.  Below is the screenshot of the automation schedule.

I am not sure what you mean that I am missing the schema then.  Did I miss some steps somewhere?


I wasn’t able to give this much time today, but I’m currently stumped.

Might be an oversight on my end - so apologies if you already tried - but in your screenshot of the automation schedule, the “Next Execution Date” was set for 6/29. Have you already tried to change that date to sometime in the past and see if that kicks off the schedule?


Usually that date changing lets me know the automation schedule at least tried to run.

Hi @mbridges00 

Maybe scheduler fix time = Start time may cause this issue,

Please choose another start time and execution time once and verify.


That did appear to be the issue.  Apparently you do have to set the “Start Date” to something earlier than the current date.  Which seems a bit of a bug to me; and certainly not at all intuitive.

Now, the only other issue I have is that the Import Scenario is not working/executing.  The business event is kicking off correctly because I can now see Notification Emails in the Emails Pending Processing which is one of the two subscriber tasks defined in the event.  But the Import Scenario is not actually changing the Case status.

So, if you have any thoughts or suggestions there that too would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!

As it turns out, the real problem I was having was a customization which changes the function of the Cases to “require” a Resolution activity to be created before you can “Close” a case.  That was stepping on my Import Scenario and causing it to not be executed.
