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Adding to a Tab with a Custom Button and Popup

  • 4 July 2024
  • 3 replies



I need to implement the same logic on a custom screen. When I click the custom button, it should pop up a dialog box like the inventory lookup (see the image below). I need to select from the grid and have options to Add, Add & Close to the detail tab.

What are the steps to implement this, and where can I find the relevant code?



3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

@rashmikamudalinayake10  Please  refer to the below link so that you will basic idea to build a popup and modify the logic according to your requirement.


Userlevel 6
Badge +4

 Hi @rashmikamudalinayake10 ,

You can find the this logic under the below graph extension, if you are using 24 R1.

 PX.Objects.Extensions.AddItemLookup.AddItemLookupBaseExt<TGraph, TDocument, TItemInfo, TItemFilter> abstract graph extension. It is implemented by PX.Objects.SO.GraphExtensions.SOOrderEntryExt.SOOrderSiteStatusLookupExt for SOOrderEntry

For previous versions, there is an action button command you can easily find in Aspx file.

<px:PXToolBarButton Text="Add Items" Key="cmdASI">
<AutoCallBack Command="AddInvBySite" Target="ds">
<Behavior CommitChanges="True" PostData="Page" />

And here is the source code for that action command.

public PXAction<SOOrder> addInvBySite;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Add Items", MapEnableRights = PXCacheRights.Select, MapViewRights = PXCacheRights.Select)]
public virtual IEnumerable AddInvBySite(PXAdapter adapter)
if (sitestatus.AskExt((PXGraph g, string viewName) => sitestatusfilter.Cache.Clear()) == WebDialogResult.OK)
return AddInvSelBySite(adapter);
return adapter.Get();

Hope, it helps!

Userlevel 4

Thank you @Naveen Boga , @Dipak Nilkanth. I'll try this and update the thread here.
