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Unable to enter time card entries through business events - Employee not found



I am creating a business event to add time card entries through an import scenario.

It gives me an error which says - Employee not found in the system. It seems there is some sort of an access issue. Could anyone please help?

But the employees are present in the system. I can manually add time card entries. And also I can add through a stand alone import scenario (That’s not connected with business event/automated schedule).





Thank you!

10 replies

  • Author
  • Freshman II
  • 11 replies
  • June 26, 2023

Also when I re-executed it worked. Any reason for this behaviour. Sorry I am new to the product.

Manikanta Dhulipudi
Captain II

Hi @Sandie Please share the Generic inquiry and Business event xml report once.

  • Author
  • Freshman II
  • 11 replies
  • June 26, 2023


Thank you for looking into this.

I have attached the Generic inquiry which takes employee IDs from Employee and the business event herewith.

What I noticed is that when it first executes gives the error - Employee not found in the system but when I execute it again, the records gets entered without any issue. But this workaround doesn’t suit my requirement.

Thank you!

Chris Hackett
Community Manager
  • Acumatica Community Manager
  • 2527 replies
  • July 10, 2023

Hi @Sandie were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

  • Freshman I
  • 4 replies
  • July 18, 2024


Was there ever a resolution to this? I’m having exactly the same issue and have tried the various suggestions that have been on other similar posts - but still not working for me.

Thanks, Kevin

I am having a similar issue importing Purchase Orders, when the automation runs, the employee fails, when i run the import manually, the PO records are added.


Captain II

Hi - It likely has to do with your position on the Company tree.  The time and expense modules specifically have a lot of logic in the background so that you can only view/enter/edit time and expenses for employees in the following scenarios

  1. You are in a node above them on the company tree
  2. You are set up as an “Expense” type delegate on the Employee Record.

For the Purchase Order Issue - it may be due to the format of the “owner” field - historically in older versions this was based on the employee ID, but in newer versions it’s looking at the Contact ID, so it could be the format that you are importing the data in with?

Thank you for your reply.  I will check the company tree and make sure I set it up the same as in our test instance.  what is confusing, i get the error when the import runs on a schedule, but when i run it manually i do not get the error.  do you know what uer is running the import in the automation?

Captain II

Automations typically use the “Admin” user ID.

Thanks Megan, that resolved my issues.



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