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Is it possible to use the preferred Vendor ID and the Vendor Inventory ID as an identifier in an import scenario? For example, if we receive a file from a vendor with new item pricing, but the file uses the vendors inventory ID (which we record in the Vendor Inventory ID field of the VENDORS tab in the Stock Item), is it possible to create an import scenario to find the corresponding stock item and update the pricing based on the Vendor ID/Vendor Inventory ID?

Yes, it is possible to import updated vendor pricing to either Stock Items or to Vendor Price screen using Alternate ID, so long as the Vendor’s Alternate ID is defined on the Cross-Reference tab of Stock Items screen.

Here is a previous post  describing what you need (I’ve posted details from the link in below previous post)

Uploading Prices with Alternate IDs and Creating Alternate IDs from Price Worksheets

In the system, you can make it possible to upload prices in worksheets with alternate IDs instead of item identifiers defined in the system, and to create alternate IDs for inventory items on release of worksheets. To be able to use alternate IDs in price lists, you need to do the following:

After you enter the Alternate ID on either of these price worksheet forms (or upload an Excel file with alternate IDs and prices specified), the system searches for the items by their alternate IDs (that is, cross-references) and automatically populates the following columns in the worksheet lines:

  • Inventory ID: The ID of the stock or non-stock item, which the system located by using its alternate ID.
  • Description: The description that has been specified for the item.
  • UOM: The cross-reference unit of measure, if one has been defined for alternate ID that was entered in the worksheet line. If a cross-reference unit of measure has not been defined, this column is populated with the default sales unit (in the sales price worksheet) or purchase unit (in the vendor price worksheet).

If the alternate ID specified in the worksheet line is not found, when the worksheet is released, the system will create a global alternate ID and assign it to the inventory ID that is specified in the price worksheet line.


Hello @mikeho ,

In order to manually enter or import stock item pricing using your vendor’s item id, the Vendor’s ID Alternate ID must first be defined on the Cross-Reference tab of the stock items. Vendor’s alternate ID must be on the Cross-Reference tab to use vendor’s item id to import price updates either to the Stock Items screen or to the Vendor Prices screen).

Vendor-specific pricing is normally loaded on Vendor Prices screen or Vendor Price Worksheet, if the feature for vendor pricing is turned on. I am suggesting that your Import Scenario will load the prices into the Vendor Price Worksheet, after the Vendor’s Alternate ID for the Item has been connected on the Cross-Reference tab of the Stock Items.

If I’m not understanding your need, someone else will come along to provide a different answer.

Good luck!



Unfortunately not, you can only use the fields that you can see on the Inventory ID selector:



I would expect an import to work the same as the screen; imports typically do mimic what we enter manually.  If you have the alternates set up, and it works on screen to manually enter the alternate id, press enter, and successfully choose your item (using alternate in place of its Stock Item ID) onto the screen.. then I expected the import should work the same way.

If it isn’t working the same way, then you could raise a support ticket with Acumatica.  In this case a customization may be needed, to help the import work the same way as manual entry to the screen.

Best regards,


@Chris Hackett unfortunately, no - this is still an issue for us.

Yes! This can be done.


Please  check on  following help article for the Alternate ID field functionality on price worksheets forms:

Uploading Prices with Alternate IDs and Creating Alternate IDs from Price Worksheets

Hi @Laura02 - this appears to be referencing the Vendor Prices Worksheet. I’m specifically asking about creating an Import Scenario by which we can use the Vendor Inventory ID (or Alternate ID) as the reference to update the Stock Item. Maybe I’m missing something, but that doesn’t appear to be address in the post to which you linked?

Thanks, @Laura02. I should clarify, I’m looking to update the Default Price field along with some other fields in the InventoryItem table/Stock Items screen with my import scenario, not update the Vendor Prices document.

You mentioned: 

Vendor’s alternate ID must be on the Cross-Reference tab to use vendor’s item id to import price updates either to the Stock Items screen or to the Vendor Prices screen


If I’m reading that correctly it sounds like this is still possible to update these fields on the Stock Items screen as long as the Vendor’s alternate ID is on the Cross-Reference tab? (Which it is for us.) Assuming this is correct, how would you go about setting this up in the import scenario? These appear to be the only options available in the import scenario:


Hi @mikeho were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Hi @HManmatharajan41 - I’m specifically asking about using an import scenario to update the Default Price field on the Stock Items screen.

Do the Price Worksheets update the Default Price field on the Stock Items Screen?
