
Purchase Receipt Import By Scenario error: The System Failed to commit the split rows.

Userlevel 2

I’m trying to import around 20 to 50 items with different weights and lot codes into a Purchase Receipt. I seem to be blocked at the Lot Code Splits. I have included a screenshot of my Import Scenarios and my XML file. Am I able to adjust my Import Scenarios to include Line Splits for lot codes?


2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Hi @mike2665 

You are missing a lot of information on the template excel file and Import Scenarios screen such as: Type, Vendor, Date, Branch, ..

Please refer to the attached xml file


Best Regards,


Userlevel 2


I updated my Import Scenarios and Excel file per your request but now when I run my Import By Scenarios i get an error: Value cannot be null Parameter name: Key. I attached my updated XML file.


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