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Opportunity Owner Updates via Import Scenario

  • 29 March 2023
  • 6 replies

I’m trying to run a basic import scenario that looks at specific opportunities and updates the owner. I know I’ve had issues before with updating an owner field on a business account, but not an opportunity. 

Any input? Sometimes it’s the simplest thing but I can’t figure out what would cause this...

Hello @tsmith19 


Please try to uncheck commit column for <Action: Save> line and if that does not work try mapping the employee name.

If it does not work please attach the import scenario so I can test locally.

Hope this helps.

Hello @riglesias ,

Thanks for your help. Unchecking commit didn’t do the trick.

When you say map the employee name, that isn’t an option for me under the field / action name. Am I understanding correctly on that’s where I’d find that?

Hi @tsmith19 

Please find the attached Import scenario to Update owner in Opportunities.


There was an error thrown..

'<', hexadecimal value 0x3C, is an invalid attribute character. Line 55, position 129.

Hello @tsmith19 

Under Owner field there is a column named Contact which has the Employee Name:



So I mapped the scenario to search under this column.
Like this:


Can you try mapping the scenario like and see if it works?



There was an error thrown..

'<', hexadecimal value 0x3C, is an invalid attribute character. Line 55, position 129.

Hi @tsmith19 

Are you able process records with the given import scenario.


Seems to be the error is related to specific record, could you please verify and update manually.

