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We have an Import scenario for AP Bills and Adjustments to pull in large numbers of payments. But the import fails with the following error. “Field: Subaccount, Value: 605 , Error: 'Subaccount' cannot be found in the system. Please verify whether you have proper access rights to this object.”

The vendor has a default Expense and Expense Sub Account set on the vendor record. We are trying to override those in this case using the import scenario and can’t without getting this error.  If the record is entered manually we can override it just fine without error. Removing the default Expense and Expense Subaccounts also allows the import to work without error, but it’s pointless to have to do that. 

The import scenario is very basic for importing AP Bills:

My question is, has anyone experienced this and what can we do to allow the import scenario to override these account values without getting the error? 

Sounds like it could be a role permissions issue.  Is the user getting the error the same as the one who is able to manually enter the bill?  Check access rights for the Bills and Adjustments, Chart of Accounts, Import Scenario, and Insert by Scenario screens to make sure the role selected for that user has Edit, Insert, or Delete rights.




I don’t believe it has anything to do with permissions. The user can enter the record manually without error but it fails when the same user executes the import scenario. I also get the error as a full system administrator without any permission restrictions. We have also verified that no restriction groups are hindering the process by disabling all. 

It appears to be the order in which the records are being updated.  First the Expense account is changed from the default to the updated account, but the default expense sub account is still at 605 which is not allowed for the newly updated Expense account. The next line is trying to change the expense sub account to 000 which is correct for the newly updated Expense Account, but none of this can complete before triggering an error. 

Does anyone know how to clear out the default account and sub account vales together before updating them to the new values? It didn’t like this….


Try =Null

I do appreciate your help, unfortunately I tried that first with the same results as leaving the value blank.

For reference here are the error that occur when trying to clear out the default account and sub account first. 


This makes sense because it’s a required field.  Try to remove the two lines on the import scenario that are meant to clear out the account and subaccount, and add ‘For Each Record’ in the execute action.  I think you’re right.  It has to do with the order of events.  Acumatica is trying to find Subaccount 605 in the original account value and it’s not valid.  It needs to pause and allow the data validation for the correct subaccount list to populate.

Not sure I understand what you are suggesting, the Executive action to save “For Each Record” is already set, and I can’t add it anywhere else. 

What does work is the following:

If I set it to ignore error on both the Account and subaccount, the data imports as expected overwriting the default account and subaccount. But what happens if there is actually an error that occurs and needs to be identified? I feel there would need to be some detailed data validation after import if these ignore flags are set. Just feels like there should be a better way to overwrite these default settings that doesn’t involve ignoring errors? I suspect this may be the answer though….

I think you are correct.  As long as there isn’t an error on the Bills & Adjustments screen after the upload I think you’re good to go! Glad you got it figured out.  This will be helpful in the future.
