We’re migrating to Acumatica and trying to import contacts via an Import Scenario with an Excel spreadsheet as the data provider.
Since we’re pulling these contacts from multiple sources, we don’t have a dedicated ID for each contact. Instead, we’re using the email address and account ID to identify “unique” contacts. Email addresses are non-unique across the set of contacts, but are unique for a particular Business Account. Basically, the same email address can be used for multiple contacts, as long as each of those contacts belongs to a different business account.
We’re also still early in the migration, so it’s likely that we will need to import the spreadsheet multiple times as it is updated with new contacts or additional data for previously imported contacts.
Unfortunately, I’m having trouble building an Import Scenario to accomplish this.
Custom keys seem to be the way to go, but I get the following error when doing a test import of a single contact:
Error: 'Contact' cannot be empty. Error: 'Last Name' cannot be empty.
“Last Name” is definitely not empty in the spreadsheet, and it is not empty on the Import By Scenario screen for this Import Scenario.
If anyone has any tips on how to accomplish this, they would be greatly appreciated.