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Customer Import Scenario fails on second record with zip code format issue.

  • Jr Varsity III
  • 10 replies

I am relatively new to Acumatica and I have written an import scenario to bring in a group of accounts with a specific customer class. I run the export and the first record goes in but on the second record I get the following error:

Field: Postal Code, Value: 85206, Error: The entered code doesn't match the required expression.

If I clear the error and reimport that single record without changing anything the record goes in but the next one fails with the same error. It sounds like I am missing something but for the life of my I don’t know what it could be. I have attached the xml for the import scenario. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated as would any resources that can help enumerate the idiosyncrasies of the import scenario mapping process. Thanks in advance for your help.

Best answer by greglang

@mtcook I tried to ask you to look at the Segmented Keys screen (CS202000).  If you have Something in Numbering ID.  Then you are using a Numbering Sequence screen (CS201010) to create the Customers.  This is not the way everyone uses it.  In your case you should populate the New Number Symbol where it asked for the Customer ID in the Import.

It will in most cases work if you pick a number that is not in the sequence defaulting it back to <NEW> but best practice as I have found is to put from New Number Symbol.  In your import CustomerID  =’<NEW>’ .  I hope that helps you understand it better.   


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Varsity I
  • Varsity I
  • 61 replies
  • November 21, 2023

Ok so first thing I can’t tell you what’s wrong with your import without seeing the format of your data but when I look at your XML I can see you have inactivated the Key field lockups.  Its not going to work without them.  They help the system understand your creating a new record or updating an old one. 


For customer pick an ID that fits the numbering convention you have set or add the actual ID you have for an existing customer.  Then for your attributes see below you need to do the same and add a KEY lookup.  Otherwise it should work.   Let me know if this helps you along and please share a view of the data format so we can help with the zip code issue.


The Check box needs to be True for all 3 and a Customer ID needs to be set.   Also put Country → Country ID to Just Country



If your not sure about Customer ID you can set the Format here. ScreenID: CS202000
This line needs to be added if you want to call the Attributes.  (Just like the Customer before)


Manikanta Dhulipudi
Captain II

Hi @mtcook 

@greglang  as Mentioned the customer ID  inactivated the Key field lockups.  Its not going to work without them.  They help the system understand your creating a new record or updating an old one. 

Attaching the mapping to update the attribute 


  • Author
  • Jr Varsity III
  • 10 replies
  • November 21, 2023

If I activate the Key field lookups then I can’t even get it to import a single record. I am not trying to import a Customer ID, I want the system to grab the next Customer ID available in the system and then proceed to import the data that I do have in my import file. I think the way I have it now is that it is expecting me to provide the Customer ID from my import file but since I don’t have one it throws an error. If I turn off that lookup it will import the first line but then errors out on the second. How do you tell the import scenario to pull a system value for customer ID rather than having to provide it?

  • Author
  • Jr Varsity III
  • 10 replies
  • November 21, 2023

I have an update. If I create a simple incrementing number filed in my import file and set the import scenario to that value, I can get the import scenario to run without a problem. I just don’t understand why the works especially since the numeric field I am using as the customer id in the import scenario is then replaced with a system generated account number by Acumatica? Can anyone help me understand that?

Varsity I
  • Varsity I
  • 61 replies
  • Answer
  • November 21, 2023

@mtcook I tried to ask you to look at the Segmented Keys screen (CS202000).  If you have Something in Numbering ID.  Then you are using a Numbering Sequence screen (CS201010) to create the Customers.  This is not the way everyone uses it.  In your case you should populate the New Number Symbol where it asked for the Customer ID in the Import.

It will in most cases work if you pick a number that is not in the sequence defaulting it back to <NEW> but best practice as I have found is to put from New Number Symbol.  In your import CustomerID  =’<NEW>’ .  I hope that helps you understand it better.   



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