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Automation Schedule called un-scheduled import scenarios

  • 3 May 2024
  • 6 replies

We have experienced a situation which created a huge issue for our Acumatica production data:

A lot of import scenarios (128), but not all,  were triggered to run at an unexpected time. Most of these import scenarios were not set up to be run by the scheduler. We only had 6 import scenarios that were scheduled to run regularly.

There was randomness in terms of how many import scenarios were run (we do not understand why some scenarios ran and others did not run), and also randomness in terms of when the import scenarios ran (no scheduler ran at that particular time).

After investigation by Support it was determined that one faulty scheduler, which did not  have a condition, (pic 2) created this situation.

The faulty scheduler was created by using the regular way (pic 1) of creating the scheduler from an import scenario. We do not believe that we deleted the condition after creating the scheduler.


Pic 1


pic 2


pic 3

After resolving the data issue, we tried to mitigate future occurrences of this situation by inactivating all the import scenarios that are not used by the scheduler. We do not know whether this would make a difference, though. We are not aware of any best practice recommendations that say to inactivate import scenarios that are not used by the scheduler.

We replicated the situation in our Sandbox with similar results.

We think that there should be few safeguards in place put in place by the Acumatica platform: you should not be able to save a scheduler without a condition, and if for some reason the scheduler loses its condition, the scheduler should fail -  without triggering import scenarios. We also believe that in some situations the scheduler is created without a condition, and we need to be vigilant about that.

Has anybody encountered this situation? Any recommendations?


6 replies

It’s just almost happened again.

I created a schedule. I visited all the tabs to verify proper setup was captured.



Closed the newly created schedule and then  re-opened the form to adjust  the start  time and the condition disappeared


Have you  seen something like this? 

Userlevel 4

@BKasimov38 , is the filter condition set correctly and is the Condition value set correctly without whit spaces etc..?

Userlevel 4



@BKasimov38 , is the filter condition set correctly and is the Condition value set correctly without whit spaces etc..?

@vibindas - This is exactly the issue. I clicked on Process import scenarios opened the screen, selected the schedule i would like to automate, clicked on the clipboard and selected ADD. The system opened a new screen (automation schedule) with everything set properly i reviewed all (i happen to be with a co-worker and she saw this) and saved. The next day, after we discovered the disaster, an i opened a case. The support technician noticed that the schedule has no condition. Last week, i recreated the same  scenario. Pictures of step by step in my reply above - I did not remove the condition.


regardless of how the condition is removed - my thought is: if the result of this “small” issue can bring such a disastrous results - maybe the application should prevent it  from happening - by forcing a condition.


Userlevel 7

Hi @BKasimov38 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Hi @BKasimov38 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

@Chris Hackett, internally we now re-check the conditions tab after saving. I was hoping for a system fix as i believe this to be a bug - i was able to re-create the situation. i think it is so weird that not many people encountered this situation and it didn’t get any traction…

Thank you for checking
