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AR migration mode invoice with installement credit terms

Jr Varsity II


We have a credit term set up with multiple installments, (term code is RENT) it is visible to customers and vendors. 

When entering an AR invoice I can choose the RENT term code, but when I activate migration mode I cannot choose the RENT term code, and during the import scenario the import errors when trying to import an invoice with that term.  The error is:  Field:  Terms, Value: Rent, Error: Cannot be empty.

I was able to modify the term code, import the invoices in migration mode, release the transactions and then add the installment schedule to the term code.

Has anyone else experienced this issue, is there some unwritten rule that installment terms do not work with migration mode? Just trying to see if importing transactions with installment schedule terms can be done without the workaround, for future projects.


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