We have an import scenario based on a Generic Inquiry data provider to automate the release of Kit Assemblies.
When the import scenario is run manually (from the Import by Scenario screen SM206036) it works perfectly and releases the Kit Assembly as expected.
However, when it is run using the “Prepare and Import” option from the Process Import Scenarios screen SM206035, the Release step returns an Error: Another process has updated the ‘INRegister’ record. Your changes will be lost.
We have narrowed down the issue to the ‘Release’ action. In the screenshot below the update to the Description field is successful. We have tried with and without the ‘Save’ operation. We also tried creating the Assembly and releasing it in a single import scenario but received the same error message there as well.
In our test example there is only a single record returned by the Generic Inquiry, so it must be somehow conflicting with itself.
There seem to be two different versions of the release action on the Kit Summary dropdown menu (Release and Release@Action). I’m not clear on the difference, but we have tried both with the same results.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!