Thanks to
These were the two key parts of the Export Scenario for payments with Addenda including the Vendor Reference Number.

All of the information about the entities used in ACH Payments is in PX.Objects.dll file and using dotPeek I was able to see how they were being built and from there go to PX.Objects.AP to figure out the field to use. To get the Vendor Reference Number, I used Matthew’s suggestion of APPaymentApplications.InvoiceNbr and that eventually led to finding how to get the Payment applied to the Invoice which is APPaymentApplications.CuryOrigDocAmt whereas the default Export Scenario has APPaymentList.CuryOrigDocAmt which makes the same total amount repeat for each invoice which is not what we want.
I’ve spent months working with multiple Acumatica Partners and people at our bank trying to get this to work. I do want to note that there is still the problem of Accumatica still putting in the wrong Line Count and Total Count when there is only one vendor and one invoice, which our newest Acumatica Partner has assured us that Acumatica is aware of.
If Acumatica would consider documenting the entities available for the ACH Export Scenarios, I think it would make everyone’s lives a lot easier. Further, the Schema file I’ve included applies to my employer’s bank so you may have to change some things about it. Let me know if you have any questions.