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Why doesn't an Expense Claim push the Unit Rate to the Project Transaction?

  • 11 July 2024
  • 6 replies

I want to use the Unit Rate to allocate billable expenses to a COGS account but the Unit Rate does not get pushed to the Project Transaction. I can’t find a “Known Issue”.  Is this standard Acumatica?



6 replies

Userlevel 3

Hello @jmcclelland95 !

Can you try looking at a couple of places first:

  1. Configuration Settings - Is your Expense Claim setup to push the Unit Rate to the Project Transaction? Check the Project Setup and Non-Stock Item Settings to verify that the Unit Rate is set to be included.
  2. Project Costing Rules - Acumatica uses a ton of different rules to determine how costs are calculated. Check the Project Costing Rules to make sure that the Unit Rate is included.
  3. Billing Rules - If the Billing Rules doesn’t include - you guessed it: the Unit Rate, it might not be included.

Here’s a couple of help articles that goes into more depth about Unit Rates and configuring them:


Let me know if this helps, thanks!

Badge +18

Hello @jmcclelland95 ,

As a work-around, please try calculating the Rate in the Allocation Rule, using a formula like [PMTran.Amount] / [PMTran.Qty].

I looked at a Sandbox 2024 R1 site and saw blank Unit Rate on manufacturing PM transactions. I can’t say whether different configuration options in various modules could change the Unit Rates.


Userlevel 3

Thank you for the suggestions. The configuration settings are correct. The Unit Rates cannot be standardized for the nonstock expense items because they will all be different.  For example, if the expense is an airfare, one consultant will pay one price and another a different price, etc. There is a Unit Cost on an Expense Claim. I am questioning why that Unit Cost does not show in the Project Transaction automatically created by releasing the Expense Claim.  This is a screenshot of the Expense Claim that created the Project Transaction (an AP PM).  The Unit Cost is pushed to the AP Bill, but not to the PM Transaction.

Here’s the AP Bill:

I think this may be a data or a mapping issue within Acumatica.

Userlevel 3

OMT (One more thing).  I try using a formula but is billable quantity is different from quantity, that will probably cause a lot of fractions that will skew the numbers. I do want to use PMTran.UnitRate in my Billing Rule and in the Allocation Rule.  The projects are all T&M projects.


Badge +18

You have made a good point.  When considering Billable Quantity may be different from the Quantity on the transaction, the formula to calculate billable amount might look like this:

=([PMTran.Amount] / [PMTran.Qty]) * [PMTran.BillableQty]


What if the transaction has Zero quantity and only contains amount?  We may need an IF statement too, to avoid Divide by 0 error, something like:

If ([PMTran.Qty] <> 0,([PMTran.Amount] / [PMTran.Qty]) * [PMTran.BillableQty], [PMTran.Amount])



Userlevel 7

Hi @jmcclelland95 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!
