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Good day

I am trying to add additional filters to an AR Aging Report Template that is specifically for certain Customer Classes. It also adds and excludes certain customers from a different class.

It worked before I tried to add additional customers, but no longer does.

Is there a specific order that these filters must be added? Or are there too many criteria?

Customer (alias).Customer ID Equals

Customer (alias).Customer ID Does not Equal

Customer (alias).Customer Class Equals

Customer (alias).Customer Name Does not Contain

Many thanks in Advance


Hello @BarbaraPietersen23 ,

In order to answer, I’d like to see an exact example, including the Operator on each line of Additional Filters, and where brackets are placed.  Can you describe what isn’t working (report results in too many customers? report results in too few customers, no customers?)

Thank you.


Thanks Laura - see below. This report should run to several pages.





Thanks for the details; it helps me understand when I can SEE things. 😃

I think you will need to use some double parenthesis, and approach like this:

((Classes to include:  

Customer Class Equals GRWINF, Or customer class Equals GRWFOR, ...  etc.)       


(Customers to exclude that are in the above classes:  Customer ID Not Equal IB002747 AND Customer ID Not Equal IB004710))


(Add Customers who are NOT in the above classes:

Customer ID Equal IB000123 OR Customer ID Equal IB000456 OR Customer ID Equal IB000789)


(List customers with certain names that should be Excluded:

Customer Name does not contain ExpressBox and

Customer Name does not contain BUAN )


I hope this works for you.





Thank you so much Laura. This worked just fine!

Hi Laura 

Hope you can help me again - your advice worked so well last time. Once again I can’t get my head around brackets and the and/or operator. Please tell me what is wrong with the below conditions:

Many thanks in advance.

Don’t worry - I got it at last!

No brackets and all Or. 🤔

Thanks anyway!
