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The out of the box system does not let you specify any other type of account for a Vendor on an ACH (NACHA) export from AP. Follow these steps to fix:

  1. Go to Banking → Preferences → Payment Methods
    1. Select the Payment Method ID of the profile that you want to update, mine is ACH
    2. Click the “SETTINGS FOR USE IN AP” tab
    3. Click the + to add a new line
    4. ID Description Entry Mask Validation Exp
      5 Account Type (Chk=22, Sav=32) 00 ^\d{2,2}$


    5. Save


  1. Go to Integration → Profiles → Export Scenarios
    1. Select “Export AP Payment to ACH” or which ever one you use
    2. Click the + to add (3) new lines
    3. Field Values
    4. Source Object

      Field/Action Name

      Target Field/Value




      vendorPaymentSettings DetailValue CCD_TransactionCode
      vendorPaymentSettings =IIF(eCCD_TransactionCode]=null,'22',rCCD_TransactionCode]) CCD_TransactionCode
    5. You will see warnings with the new lines, ignore them.
      1. The first line gets the values to the new Payment Methods line in the Vendor
      2. The second line maps the value to the CCD_TransactionCode field
      3. The third line looks for a value in the CCD_TransactionCode field and defaults the value to 22 (Checking) if none is found (this is here so that you don’t have to add a value to all Vendor records, only the ones that you want to be a different account type)
    6. Move all of the above the “Batch Summary” lines
    7. Save


All Done! You can process ACH payments like normal.

@kgawryluk80  - I attempted to implement your solution this morning and did not have success. The error I received stated CCD_TransactionCode cannot be more than two digits. I did not inactivate any lines prior but the only difference I can see is that I am modifying the “Export AP Payments to ACH balanced” (export scenario). 

Do you have any suggestion to get this file to export?

Can you send a screenshot of the error and a description of what steps you were performing prior to receiving the error?

@kgawryluk80 , I was able to get the file to export properly. I deleted the (newly added) lines in the Export scenario & re-typed them in. After doing so the file was able to export via Batch Payments. Thank you for your help. I will post here if there are any issues with the bank accepting the updated export scenario.

Thanks for your help @kgawryluk80 ! 

THANK YOU!  I used the same procedure for the ACH AP Balanced export scenario.  This saved me a lot of time!  It seems that Acumatica should have built the ACH process to include this to begin with similar to payroll.



Thank you very much! I’ve done a manual work around with the import scenario to fix this but this will permanently fix the issue.


@Chris Hackett  @kgawryluk80  Someone needs to submit this to Acumatica in a ticket so that it’s implemented in future releases. This is a “gimme” item.

Hi @Freeman Helmuth you can go ahead and create an Idea for this on the community here if you wish. Other users can then vote and comment on it. :grinning:

Thank you! This worked perfectly for me and was happy to find such good instructions!

This was great! I ended up making the IIF statement in the Export Scenario =iif((CCD_TransactionCode]='32', '32', '22') just to avoid as much human error as possible. 
