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i encountered a problem to recreate a new report for P&L 

For green circle is the report i want to new create , the row and column based on DPL

However, when i do some changes in DPL in new report (green circle) , it will affected the format in DPL (Red box)

Not sure if there is any way that i can use DPL format to create a new report but i can change the format in new report where not affect the existing DPL format .


Double click on the DPL→ Click on the COPY ROW SET. This will then ask you to give it a new name (for the Code). It is recommended that you type in the Description box basically the same name as your Code with a brief text such as My P&L Row Set. The same idea can be applied to the COLUMN SET.

Hello Erin,

Have you copied the row and column set yet to create new row/ column sets? Do this just like you copied the report and it will generate your new row/column sets which you can edit without affecting your original row/column sets.

Hi CFritsch


I never copy :(

Could you please guide me how to copy the row and column set
