Refresh Currency Rates Automation schedule stops working and only updates previous day
Hi All, @Naveen B,
I have set up an Automation Schedule for “Refresh Currency Rates”. I will only update the previous day rather than the date that it runs. Also the schedule just stops running ever few days.
Is this a known issue? Any response appreciated.
My settings for the Schedule is as follows:-
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Hi @lauracastagna I don’t see any issues withe auto schedule configuration.
Have you checked the History ?
yes, thats how I know about the issue. it updates the currency for the prior date only. I ran it today and it updated the 6th
@lauracastagna Can you please confirm that TimeZone is GMT +10 is the right timezone, you wanted run the auto schedule?
@Naveen B ,
yes, just checked.
You have just given me a thought. The website is “’. How can i check what TimeZone is uses? maybe i need to change is as Australia is a day ahead of most countries?
@lauracastagna In acumatica, we can configure the Timezone in two level.
Instance/Site level → We can configure this at Site Preferences screen
User level → User Profile screen.
Please check the TimeZone at your User Profile screen, and configure the same the Schedule screen.
@Naveen B ,
thanks. My profile was blank so i have updated. I will check tomorrow
Sure @lauracastagna
Hi @Naveen B ,
the Advanced site is still only updating to the day prior?
Hi @lauracastagna Can you please also confirm that have you added any Conditions OR Filter Values?
Hi @Naveen B ,
I have not added any Conditions. i have the following Filter Values:
Hi @lauracastagna
What version and build is your instance on ?
Build 2021.111.201.4640 [21.111.0019]
Hi @vkumar ,
have you tested this yet? its still only updating the day before for me
Hi @lauracastagna
I was trying to find any known issue. Could not find one. I suggest you contact support and work with them to investigate this further.
Hi @lauracastagna Did you find the solution for this?
Hope you have raised a support case, if you get the response from support team. Please share the root cause details here.
Hi @Naveen B ,
no solution so have raised a Support case. thanks Naveen.
@lauracastagna Did you get a response from the Acumatica support team on this?
If yes, can you please share the solution here, I may help us in future?
Hi @Naveen B ,
the reason is that due to Australia being ahead in time the Currency Rates will not come through until 11am the following day.
In Brisbane Australia I just did a force rate refresh at 1:50 pm and was able to get rates effective today’s date. I know that running rates in the morning, we usually only get yesterday’s rates but definitely in the afternoon as it is now you can get today’s rates.