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I have a set of sales that I wish to isolate and reclass to a different account. Has anyone done this before? I’m not sure how to handle the shuffling out of one account into another, the finance segments in ACK have always been a weak-spot for me. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Longer explanation: We started up a new division, but we didn’t know it would be it’s own full division until it grew. So now I need to take the sales for those items and put them to a new class to show a new profit center on our P&L. I can find the old/new accounts and sub accounts easily enough, but actually deducting from the old account and attaching everything to the new account without wrecking my system has me a bit nervous.


Thanks in advance for your help!

Hi @Michael Hansen

You can create a GL Journal Transaction to move the amount to different GL account/ sub account. Else, if the amounts are spread across several financial periods, then you can use GL allocation functionality. Here is the documentation link.

Hope this helps.


That help doc is awesome, thank you!

Forgive my ignorance of accounting, but wouldn’t this just move the numbers and not the actual transactions? I’m worried I wouldn’t be able to trace which transactions were shifted from Account 1 to Account 2.

I was hoping to show that specific sales order/invoice lines who pointed to Account 1 now point to Account 2, but if that isn’t feasible, I understand and will push ahead with the aforementioned method.

Hi @Michael Hansen 

Its not possible to move the transactions from one branch to another branch once they have been released. Lets say you have a set of Sales Invoices which are released, you cant change the branch on those transactions.  You can only move the accounting entry related to the revenue and COGs from one branch to another branch by following the process I have mentioned on my previous post. Let us know what exact document branch were you trying to change and what is the document status at present.

Hope this clarifies,


These are old and throughout the year. Your answer is precisely what I’m looking for. I was hoping to re-attach all the invoices to the correct account, but it looks like I can only move the money. Thanks for your prompt and accurate replies!
