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Our company has acquired a new division that we are trying to bring into Acumatica. Their main issue is that they currently write checks without amounts to purchase local goods at various locations. For example, they might go to Sams or Costco to buy supplies but they won't know the exact amount of the purchase until they are at the warehouse and have everything in their cart. At the end of the day, they send back the receipts with the check tab so we can enter it on their accounting system.

Normally, we would issue a purchasing/expense card for these situations but for several reasons we can't in this case. Furthermore, the purchases are large so I can't ask the employee to pay and reimburse. Is there a way to handle this in Acumatica? Any suggestions would be welcomed.

I would suggest using the Cash purchases functionality.  This should process theses type of transactions while having the ability to track the payment reference (check number).   

Thank you for your answer. I have tried to find some documentation on "Cash Purchases” (in A/P) but did not have much luck on the matter. Could you please point me in the right direction regarding this?
