Im looking to set up a Business Event to send an Email reminder if the AP Bill → Approver hasn't approved the bill within 2 days. I'm not sure if this is possible through a business event and how to join APInvoice to EPApproval.
Has anyone ever done anything like this?
Best answer by ChandraM
Hi Steven, Yes it is possible with the business events. As you are aware business events are driven with Generic Inquiry Data. In this case, you can follow the below steps
1 .Create a generic Inquiry built to show the approvals that exceed 2 days.
2. Set up a new Business event to trigger the email notification based on the change to the generic inquiry data.
Also, please find the below answer for your 2nd query:
[Stevem]how to join APInvoice to EPApproval.
As shown in the below screenshot, you can try using the Doctype (Bill or Cred.Adj or Debit. Adj) and “Reference Nbr” fields to join the APInvoice with Approvals. The inspect element feature on the screen will help you to identify the fields to join.
Note: Inspect elements shortcut keys are Ctrl+Alt+Mouse Click . You shoud be assigned with “Customizer” role to inspect element
Hi Steven, Yes it is possible with the business events. As you are aware business events are driven with Generic Inquiry Data. In this case, you can follow the below steps
1 .Create a generic Inquiry built to show the approvals that exceed 2 days.
2. Set up a new Business event to trigger the email notification based on the change to the generic inquiry data.
Also, please find the below answer for your 2nd query:
[Stevem]how to join APInvoice to EPApproval.
As shown in the below screenshot, you can try using the Doctype (Bill or Cred.Adj or Debit. Adj) and “Reference Nbr” fields to join the APInvoice with Approvals. The inspect element feature on the screen will help you to identify the fields to join.
Note: Inspect elements shortcut keys are Ctrl+Alt+Mouse Click . You shoud be assigned with “Customizer” role to inspect element
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