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I need to change the attention field on an email notificaiton template.
I need to include the bill-to info → account name
However, everything I try only gives the account info → account name
Is it possible to get to the bill-to info account name in an notification template?
These are all of the fields I have tried and do not work - 









I believe you are after this filed  ((Billing_Contact.FullName))

Just in case you are not aware press the Insert>Datafields and you can select what you need you dont need to be trying to work out syntax for the field names


Hello @matt hoss 

I created a Generic inquiry with Customer and contact table and able to get the attention in the template.

Please find the Attached GI and Business events


@dcomerford I tried that field, however it did not pull in either. Yes, I am using Insert>Datafields 

It’s screenid = AR503500 and Build 21.107.0023

Tried again and was able to get it to fill with - ((CustomerDefaultBillingContact.FullName))


I’m not sure why it didn’t work before, but it’s working now.

