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Margin in sales quote - us vendor price for calculating the margin

  • 15 November 2023
  • 3 replies


we would like to show in the details of a sales quote the margin of a product (only for internal use)

As have ave not bought the product before the last cost is empty. So the cost is zero. 

So is it possible to use the vendor price instead for the item cost? And if so, how?





3 replies

Userlevel 5

Hi @LarsD - Which Sales Quote are you referring to… CRM Sales Quotes (CR304500)? And are you referring to the Details section of the screen? Or printing the margin to the Sales Quote printed form?

Userlevel 1

HI @cmorse26,

I am referring to screen SO301000 but screen CR304500 is similar regarding this point. 

And yes, I mean the details section of the screen. 

I just would like to see in one column the margin in % of the sales price based on the vendor price I have for the article in the system.. 

I have already a column in screen SO301000 which shows me the margin in % but this margin is not based on the vendor price but on the price of the last purchased cost or the cost for the items I have in stock. 

But these cost do not help me when I have a new article an no stock and no purchased done before. So in that case the base for the margin should be my vendor price I have. 

Hope you get what I mean. 

Thanks for you help. 

Userlevel 7

Hi @LarsD were you able to find a solution? Thank you!
