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How does the "end sub" of data source work (in column set)?

  • 17 November 2022
  • 2 replies

Hi all,

In the sales demo test environment, there is a report of “Profit and Loss by Product”, of which the column set has been confirued to differentiate each column by “start sub”. It only defines the first 3 letters here.

And if we take a look at the subaccounts, the logic here is to define products by the first 3 letters and define departments by the last 3 letters.

That makes me wonder if we can design a report called “Profit and Loss by Department”, and differentiate each column by “end sub”, for example in the column of Finance department, the data source would be like this:

But when I tried to generate a report, en error occurred. So do I misunderstand the logic of “end sub” here? And how should I design a report of “Profit and Loss by Department”? Thanks a lot.



The above screens accept wild cards ???. Disclaimer: I have not studied this feature in 2022 but previous versions did accept wild card like this:

From SubAccount  ???FIN1     To Subaccount  ???FIN9

Keep in mind, you may see unexpected result using From and To. If you use 

From SubAccount  ???CON     To Subaccount  ???OPS   you will also see ???FIN in the results and others that sort between CON and OPS.

To filter for Ends in FIN only:   Use Start Sub ???FIN and leave End Sub Blank.

I hope this helps you.



Thanks @laura01 that works perfectly
