How do I update Customer Credit Limit for groups of customers with different values?
How do I update Customer Credit Limit for groups of customers with different values? We have appx. 1000 customer Credit Limit changes/updates to make (out of our 2500 total customers) with multiple different $$$ value limits. We prefer not to do these manually. Thank you.
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You should be able to do so using an import scenario. In your data provider (typically an excel spreadsheet) you’ll need the customer ID and the new credit limit (and any other fields you need to update). Then set up an import scenario, similar to the one below, and then Import by Scenario.
It looks like someone else is having the same issue here recently and Laura’s posted a helpful link here if you need more information about setting up an import scenario.
Hi @jsudak
Credit Limit can be Updated based on the credit verification Rule
If Credit verification rule Days Past due. We can only update the Credit days
2, If Credit verification rule Days =Credit limit. We can only update the Credit limit
3.If Credit verification rule Days =Limit and past due. We can only update both
Now please check your customer credit rule, based on the import scenario attached by @meganfriesen37 will work.
Both Credit Limit and Credit Days Past Due can be updated when selecting Limit and Days Past Due.
Again, we have appx. 1000 customer Customer Credit Limit changes/updates to make (out of our 2500 total customers) with multiple different Credit Limit $$$ value limits, and we prefer not to have to enter these manually.
Hello @jsudak ,
You will need to create a list of the customer credit limits that you want to import. Are they in another system, or in another file that you can import from?
Acumatica customer ID’s and names, and existing credit limits may be exported to Excel from Acumatica. Use Excel to add columns for New credit Verification Rule, New Credit Limit, New # Days Past Due. Limits may be calculated, copied and pasted to many customers in Excel to save time.
Following the instructions on the helpful posts above, you will create and import scenario that will import your spreadsheet automatically. Import Scenarios are much faster than any manual update.
If you are new to Import Scenarios, check out Acumatica Open University’s free video training courses.
Good luck!
Also, if you need to use the codes for the credit limit options, here’s what the drop down values are:
Thanks all. Still doesn’t help me get where I need to go. The spreadsheet I have lists the Customer ID, Customer Name, and the Credit Limit. This covers roughly 1/3 of our customers. I can’t line them up with the comprehensive list exported from Acumatica, so I still have to manually enter the values for these 1000 or so customers. It would be nice if there were a way to simply import the credit limits $$$ amounts to the Credit Limit field from the 3-column spreadsheet the controller created.
If you’ve got those 3 columns, go to the Data Providers page (or find out who your administator is if you don’t hvae access) and set up your new spreadsheet as a new data provider. Then, use your new data provider as the source for the import scenario above (you’ll have to build it out). Then use the Import by Scenario screen to import your list of 1000 customers. You only need the ID and the other 2 fields to do as you discussed
Thanks again. I am not having any success. I get an error for Account Name.
The first thing I notice is the column headers in your Excel do not match the Source/Field Value in your Import Scenario.
Deactivate the 3rd line of your scenario → you don’t need to identify your customer by BOTH ID and Name -- either ID OR Name will work. ID aismost precise.
Change Source/Field Value on line 5 from “Number” (does not exist in your Excel) to Customer ID (to exactly match column A of your excel).
Verify that your Excel File has been attached to the Data Provider. Then REFRESH the data provider using X in the Source Objects area, followed by SAVE. Activate the Excel sheet on the left side, and then click FILL SCHEMA Fields on the Right Side under “Source Fields”. Save again.
Then go to Import by Scenario Screen. Prepare. Then Import.
If the import doesn’t work, consider contacting your Acumatica Partner for help. Your partner should be able to import your credit limits in about 15 min, assuming the customer ID’s in your sheet match the customer ID’s in your Acumatica.
I apologize for suggesting the same training class 2x. I didn’t realize you have two threads open asking the same question.