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Fixed Asset Rounding Difference was recognized as another fixed Asset

Client bought 8 (qty) fixed asset amounting to 8,221.71. When converted to fixed asset, the fixed asset transaction generated 9 asset IDs one of which amounts to only .03. So i tried to recalculate it manually.

8221.71 total for 8 assets / 8 = 1027.71 each

1027.71*8 = 8221.68

.03 = value of 9th asset recorded

Is my observation right?

Is this really possible?

how are we going to explain this to the client?

3 replies

Robert Sternberg
Captain II

If this was created from the convert purchases to assets screen the amounts can be adjusted during the creation process however it looks like there might have been an issue here.  Can you give us more details on the original transaction (AP, GL?) and how the asset was created? 

Thank you!

The fixed asset is a stock item, so from PO, PR then after the PR the next step was to convert the purchase to asset. Then upon conversion, the table below consists of only 8 lines so that each asset would have their separate IDs. When I checked for the Fixed Asset Transaction, the created fixed asset IDs was 9 and one of which amounts to .03

I tried to replicated the issue, upon conversion, I created only 8 asset IDs BUT on the upper table of the Convert Purchases to Asset, an open amount of .03 is still open for conversion.

Open Amount on replication image

Entry created by client


I guess it is because of the rounding issue, but why do we have different outcomes?


Chris Hackett
Community Manager
  • Acumatica Community Manager
  • 2725 replies
  • January 15, 2024

Hi @madeborahdelfin56 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!


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