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Financial Reports by Week/Date

  • 14 July 2020
  • 8 replies

Several customers have requested Financial Reports (P&L, etc.) by week.  In some cases they would like to look historically to compare a week in the current period to a historical period for trend analysis. In other cases they budget by week and revise their budget for next week based on last week.  A good example is a hotel chain where they look at room nights to determine staffing and supply requirements.  We are looking at Velixo and Power BI but would prefer to have an easy solution that is more out of the box and built with standard Acumatica tools.  Has anyone tackled this and can share their experience?  Anyone else need this functionality?

You would have to setup your periods to be weekly instead of monthly.  Account balances are managed on a period basis so any customization for break up a period, would need to calculate balances on the fly and it would have major performance implications.  There are some exceptions with Cash accounts as they are tracked daily.   There is a nice customization prototype that a member built internally that has some special DACs and corresponding GI that includes daily balance information calculated on the fly.  We are reviewing this for performance implications as it might work fine for smaller customers but it can have impact if used improperly by large accounts.  If you are interested in checking it out, let me know and i can see if i can post it here.

Ali,  Understood on setting up weekly instead of monthly periods.  I guess I should have mentioned that most of the customers want monthly periods with weekly and monthly reporting.

Yes, I would be interested in checking out the customization prototype.  We have a customer with low volume that may be willing to test it out.

Grt question @jgress I have a customer who needs weekly as well, checked with @gabrielv0EKAbgJxUWxndl7ZbhBg to see if solution Velixo does the magic but I guess everyone is dependent on the DAC, so @alijani I would be interested to see the custom DAC could help us and we can be beta testers as well … Pls keep us posted … 

See attached customization project which include the DAC and sample GI that will show balances by date.    Remember to take caution with performance impact if you try with any large data set.  Also note that when you create transactions in Acumatica, you have an option to use a date that is outside of the selected period.  i.e. say you get a vendor bill and you post it to period July but the date you put as June 29th.   System warns you but it lets you do this and if your customer has done some of these, then the balances shown here by date may not match the balances shown by period reports.

@alijani thanks for the customization. I had a look at it and the GLAccountDailySummary projection inside the project is quite similar to what we’ve been doing through generic inquiries already. Now that Velixo is able to pull generic inquiries we are able to do daily account balances this way, but we are also working on adding direct support for date-level GL reporting in our standard financial functions.

We have a new experimental enhancement in Velixo that allows you to calculate balances by date using our standard GL functions (ACCOUNTTURNOVER, ACCOUNTBEGINNINGBALANCE, ACCOUNTENDINGBALANCE). The calculation logic is optimized to use the monthly balances that are pre-calculated as beginning balances. Quick demo:

Hi @Gabriel Michaud 

Is this enhancement come up with version 6 of Velixo? Thanks. 

We have a new experimental enhancement in Velixo that allows you to calculate balances by date using our standard GL functions (ACCOUNTTURNOVER, ACCOUNTBEGINNINGBALANCE, ACCOUNTENDINGBALANCE). The calculation logic is optimized to use the monthly balances that are pre-calculated as beginning balances. Quick demo:


Hi @purwandaruw47,

This is already available to people running the Insider preview release of Velixo (search for insider on and you will find it). It will also be included in Velixo 6, that we will start pushing to everyone on February 10th.

