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Event - Project tracking & Statements

  • 10 February 2023
  • 7 replies

Hi all,

I am trying to figure best way to handle the following:

I work for a non-profit organization where they have fundraisers and miscellaneous events a year. I want to keep track of all activities (Revenue and Expense) for each event. My company did not purchase the project management package and do not have it in our budget.

How can I keep track and analyze all the activities for each event? I would like to run statements for each event.

Many Thanks,


It might not be the best way to track your expenses but here is an idea.

You could create a sales order and then add stock items for the activities. You can enter a price and treat quantity as hours.

You would create a stock item for each of the activities and create a single or multiple sales orders for each event.


If you had an example of the breakdown of costs for an activities in an event I might have a better way to track it.

Hi @AndrewBGL 

Thanks for the suggestion. I want to run P&Ls for each events. I’m looking for something similar to a p&l. I wanted to know 1) How can I track these items 2) Where can I run the reports for each event?




Ok I have a better idea now. Do you have access to the Time and Expenses module. I am not sure if it is included.



Yes I do. will this track all activity (Rev and Expenses)? These activities will be entered via je, ap, cash application.



I have not used the time and expense module but I think it fits with what you are trying to accomplish. The help guide should give the details you need.


Time and Expenses

1 minute to read

By using the Time and Expenses module, companies can automate time tracking and management by using time cards and expense claims, as well as use robust approval procedures for controlling time tracking and reporting. Your company can use the company tree and assignment maps to specify the hierarchy of workgroups that are involved in document approval processes and escalation routes and set up rules to assign work items for processing and documents for approval to the correct users and workgroups.

The Time and Expenses module integrates tightly with Projects, also with Accounts Payable for reimbursing employee expenses, and with Accounts Receivable, for billing labor and expenses to customers.

In This Part

I suggest you set up your events as Subaccount considering you need to track both cost and revenue. Then any transaction you have will select the proper subaccount for it and you can modify the financial statement templates to filter/run by each subaccount.
