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Customer Discrepancy Report


Hello Acumatica Community,


 Looking for some help building a generic inquiry that will track all customer discrepancies. Basically, I want to group a report together by customer that will list out all the customers who have a value in the discrepancy field on the Customer Details screen. As you notice, Acumatica only displays this by clicking into each customer, looking for a list of all customers with discrepancies. 


Here is my issue… The Balance Discrepancy is being displayed by a “Filter” table which as far as I know cannot be used on a GI. 



My second thought was to use the detail of the report to calculate the discrepancy. The Balance Discrepancy is calculated by the following formula; Balance by Document - Current Balance. The problem with this is that since I can’t use the “Filter” table to pull directly into my GI I need to calculate the Balance by Document and Current Balance before I can create the discrepancy formula. The problem is that the Current Balance calculation includes Prepayments. As you can see in the header “Filter” section from the Customer Details screen Prepayments is equal to 0.00. 


So, I’m stuck to where the system is actually pulling this discrepancy and how its including prepayments into the Current Balance formula when no prepayments exist for the customer. Anyone come across this before?



4 replies

Captain II
  • Captain II
  • 3132 replies
  • April 14, 2022

Hi, Have you tried the Discrepancy by Customer Inquiry in Receivables?

Even if this isn’t enough detail for you, you can click on Discrepancy amount to drill in. 

Captain II
  • Captain II
  • 3132 replies
  • April 14, 2022

You have probably already tried this, but if not: you may need to run the ‘Recalculate Customer Balances’ process. Sometimes during migrations, (rarely, but not never) I’ve seen where the amount on the customer is not correct.

  • Author
  • Varsity I
  • 47 replies
  • April 14, 2022


Thanks but that’s actually not the same report. The customer I’m looking at is not even on that report and it says the total discrepancy for all customers is 0.00. I tried to run the recalculate customer balance process but did not work.

Chris Hackett
Community Manager
  • Acumatica Community Manager
  • 2717 replies
  • April 26, 2022

 Hi @etrojan28 were you able to resolve your issue? Thank you!


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